Aug 11, 2018 I'm on iOS 11.2.1 - didn't update to 11.4.1 because of reviews here that indicate some had problems with battery life. Please let me know how to check the battery health myself before I spend time on the phone with support or waiting for a Genius at the Apple Store. Sadly, as with the iPad, you won’t be able to see the overall health of your Mac’s battery. You can get a sense of how many charge cycles your battery has gone through by pulling up your Mac. Battery Health provides in-depth details on your MacBook’s battery health (Max charges, health percentage levels), the usage time remaining and further in-depth details such as battery cycles, battery age, temperature, charger information, and more.
- Battery Health On Ipad Air 2
- Battery Health 2
- How To Check Battery Health On IPad Air 2 - Apple Community
Your iPhone is designed to deliver an experience that is simple and easy to use. This is only possible through a combination of advanced technologies and sophisticated engineering. One important technology area is battery and performance. Batteries are a complex technology, and a number of variables contribute to battery performance and related iPhone performance. All rechargeable batteries are consumables and have a limited lifespan—eventually their capacity and performance decline such that they need to be replaced. As batteries age, it can contribute to changes in iPhone performance. We created this information for those who would like to learn more.
About lithium-ion batteries
iPhone batteries use lithium-ion technology. Compared with older generations of battery technology, lithium-ion batteries charge faster, last longer, and have a higher power density for more battery life in a lighter package. Rechargeable lithium-ion technology currently provides the best technology for your device. Learn more about lithium-ion batteries.
How to maximize battery performance
“Battery life” is the amount of time a device runs before it needs to be recharged. “Battery lifespan” is the amount of time a battery lasts until it needs to be replaced. One factor affecting battery life and lifespan is the mix of things you do with your device. No matter how you use it, there are ways to help. A battery’s lifespan is related to its “chemical age,” which is more than just the passage of time. It includes different factors, such as the number of charge cycles and how it was cared for. Follow these tips to maximize battery performance and help extend battery lifespan. For example, keep iPhone half-charged when it’s stored for the long term. Also avoid charging or leaving iPhone in hot environments, including direct sun exposure, for extended periods of time.
When batteries chemically age
All rechargeable batteries are consumable components that become less effective as they chemically age.
As lithium-ion batteries chemically age, the amount of charge they can hold diminishes, resulting in shorter amounts of time before a device needs to be recharged. This can be referred to as the battery’s maximum capacity—the measure of battery capacity relative to when it was new. In addition, a battery’s ability to deliver maximum instantaneous performance, or “peak power,” may decrease. In order for a phone to function properly, the electronics must be able to draw upon instantaneous power from the battery. One attribute that affects this instantaneous power delivery is the battery’s impedance. A battery with a high impedance may be unable to provide sufficient power to the system that needs it. A battery's impedance can increase if a battery has a higher chemical age. A battery’s impedance will temporarily increase at a low state of charge and in a cold temperature environment. When coupled with a higher chemical age, the impedance increase will be more significant. These are characteristics of battery chemistry that are common to all lithium-ion batteries in the industry.
When power is pulled from a battery with a higher level of impedance, the battery’s voltage will drop to a greater degree. Electronic components require a minimum voltage to properly operate. This includes the device’s internal storage, power circuits, and the battery itself. The power management system determines the capability of the battery to supply this power, and manages the loads in order to maintain operations. When the operations can no longer be supported with the full capabilities of the power management system, the system will perform a shutdown to preserve these electronic components. While this shutdown is intentional from the device perspective, it may be unexpected by the user.
Preventing unexpected shutdowns
With a low battery state of charge, a higher chemical age, or colder temperatures, users are more likely to experience unexpected shutdowns. In extreme cases, shutdowns can occur more frequently, thereby rendering the device unreliable or unusable. For iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE (1st generation), iPhone 7, and iPhone 7 Plus, iOS dynamically manages performance peaks to prevent the device from unexpectedly shutting down so that the iPhone can still be used. This performance management feature is specific to iPhone and does not apply to any other Apple products. Starting with iOS 12.1, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X include this feature; iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR include this feature starting with iOS 13.1. The effects of performance management on these newer models may be less noticeable due to their more advanced hardware and software design.
This performance management works by looking at a combination of the device temperature, battery state of charge, and battery impedance. Only if these variables require it, iOS will dynamically manage the maximum performance of some system components, such as the CPU and GPU, in order to prevent unexpected shutdowns. As a result, the device workloads will self-balance, allowing a smoother distribution of system tasks, rather than larger, quick spikes of performance all at once. In some cases, a user may not notice any differences in daily device performance. The level of perceived change depends on how much performance management is required for a particular device.

In cases that require more extreme forms of this performance management, the user may notice effects such as:

- Longer app launch times
- Lower frame rates while scrolling
- Backlight dimming (which can be overridden in Control Center)
- Lower speaker volume by up to -3dB
- Gradual frame rate reductions in some apps
- During the most extreme cases, the camera flash will be disabled as visible in the camera UI
- Apps refreshing in background may require reloading upon launch
Many key areas are not impacted by this performance management feature. Some of these include:
- Cellular call quality and networking throughput performance
- Captured photo and video quality
- GPS performance
- Location accuracy
- Sensors like gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer
- Apple Pay
For a low battery state of charge and colder temperatures, performance management changes are temporary. If a device battery has chemically aged far enough, performance management changes may be more lasting. This is because all rechargeable batteries are consumables and have a limited lifespan, eventually needing to be replaced. If you are impacted by this and would like to improve your device performance, replacing your device battery can help.
For iOS 11.3 and later
iOS 11.3 and later improve this performance management feature by periodically assessing the level of performance management necessary to avoid unexpected shutdowns. If the battery health is able to support the observed peak power requirements, the amount of performance management will be lowered. If an unexpected shutdown occurs again, then performance management will increase. This assessment is ongoing, allowing more adaptive performance management.
iPhone 8 and later use a more advanced hardware and software design that provides a more accurate estimation of both power needs and the battery’s power capability to maximize overall system performance. This allows a different performance management system that more precisely allows iOS to anticipate and avoid an unexpected shutdown. As a result, the impacts of performance management may be less noticeable on iPhone 8 and later. Over time, the rechargeable batteries in all iPhone models will diminish in their capacity and peak performance and will eventually need to be replaced.
Battery Health
For iPhone 6 and later, iOS 11.3 and later add new features to show battery health and recommend if a battery needs to be replaced. These can be found in Settings > Battery > Battery Health.
Additionally, users can see if the performance management feature that dynamically manages maximum performance to prevent unexpected shutdowns is on and can choose to turn it off. This feature is enabled only after an unexpected shutdown first occurs on a device with a battery that has diminished ability to deliver maximum instantaneous power. This feature applies to iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE (1st generation), iPhone 7, and iPhone 7 Plus. Starting with iOS 12.1, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X include this feature; iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR include this feature starting with iOS 13.1. The effects of performance management on these newer models may be less noticeable due to their more advanced hardware and software design. Color transition after effects.
(Note: Devices updating from iOS 11.2.6 or earlier will initially have performance management disabled; it will be reenabled if the device subsequently experiences an unexpected shutdown.)
Silent hunter for mac. All iPhone models include fundamental performance management to ensure that the battery and overall system operates as designed and internal components are protected. This includes behavior in hot or cold temperatures, as well as internal voltage management. This type of performance management is required for safety and expected function, and cannot be turned off.
Your battery's maximum capacity
The Battery Health screen includes information on maximum battery capacity and peak performance capability.
Maximum battery capacity measures the device battery capacity relative to when it was new. A battery will have lower capacity as the battery chemically ages which may result in fewer hours of usage between charges. Depending upon the length of time between when the iPhone was made and when it is activated, your battery capacity may show as slightly less than 100%.
A normal battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles when operating under normal conditions. The one-year warranty includes service coverage for a defective battery. If it is out of warranty, Apple offers battery service for a charge. Learn more about charge cycles.
As your battery health degrades, so can its ability to deliver peak performance. The Battery Health screen includes a section for Peak Performance Capability where the following messages may appear.
Performance is normal
When the battery condition can support normal peak performance and does not have the performance management features applied, you'll see this message:
Your battery is currently supporting normal peak performance.
Performance management applied
When the performance management features have been applied, you'll see this message:
This iPhone has experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power. Performance management has been applied to help prevent this from happening again. Disable…
Note that if you disable performance management, you can’t turn it back on. It will be turned on again automatically if an unexpected shutdown occurs. The option to disable will also be available.
Battery health unknown
If iOS is unable to determine the device battery health, you'll see this message:
This iPhone is unable to determine battery health. An Apple Authorized Service Provider can service the battery. More about service options…
This may be due to having an improperly installed battery or an unknown battery part.
Performance management turned off
If you disable the applied performance management feature, you'll see this message:
This iPhone has experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power. You have manually disabled performance management protections.
If the device experiences another unexpected shutdown, the performance management features will be re-applied. The option to disable will also be available.
Battery health degraded
If battery health has degraded significantly, the below message will also appear:
Your battery’s health is significantly degraded. An Apple Authorized Service Provider can replace the battery to restore full performance and capacity. More about service options…
Battery Health On Ipad Air 2
This message does not indicate a safety issue. Your battery can still be used. However, you may be experiencing more noticeable battery and performance issues. A new replacement battery will improve your experience.
Important Battery Message
If you see the message below, it means the battery in your iPhone is unable to be verified. This message applies to iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and later.
Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery.Learn more..
Reported battery health information is not available. To have your battery checked, contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider. More about service options.
Battery Health 2
Learn more about this message as it appears on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro.
Getting further assistance
If your device performance has been impacted by an aged battery and you would like to get help with a battery replacement, contact Apple Support for service options.
Learn more about battery service and recycling.
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Recalibration of battery health reporting on iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max
iOS 14.5 and later includes an update where the battery health reporting system will recalibrate maximum battery capacity and peak performance capability on iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max to address inaccurate estimates of battery health reporting for some users.
Learn more about recalibration of battery health reporting in iOS 14.5.
The iPhone received a native Battery Health tool a while back. Although it doesn't generate as much useful information as I would like, it still gives me a rough idea of the overall condition of my iPhone's battery. But sadly, Apple has omitted this vital tool from the iPad. And even with the release of iPadOS, that has not changed.
That's why I seeked a third-party desktop tool to check the battery health on my iPad that's been with me for over four years. I had to be sure that there were no battery-related issues around the corner.
Thankfully, I found not one, but three great tools that could help me determine the condition of the battery on my iPad easily. They work on both macOS and Windows. So you won’t be left in the cold, no matter your preferred desktop platform.
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Read More1. coconutBattery (macOS Only)
CoconutBattery is an extremely tiny applet for the Mac that provides a host of details in regards to the battery condition of your iPad. After downloading and installing the program, open it, switch to the iOS Device tab, and you will see all pertinent details in regards to your iPad’s battery.
Download coconutBatteryEssential details include Full Charge Capacity and Design Capacity. The former details the current charge capacity of your iPad, while the latter displays its original capacity — the greater the discrepancy between the two, the worse off the battery is.
Additionally, you can find a percentage value underneath Design Capacity, which is derived by dividing the Full Charge Capacity by the Design Capacity. As a general rule, you only have to worry about getting a replacement battery — or switching to a new iPad — once this value falls below 80 percent. Mine stands at 92.5 percent, so I don’t have anything to worry about yet.

Another vital piece of information is the value next to Cycle Count. This reading gives off the total number of charge cycles that your iPad has undergone ever since you first started to charge it. Apple puts the maximum charge cycles for an iPad at a thousand, so at 477 charge cycles, I’m still in the clear.
The other details listed within the app are largely irrelevant, but the reading next to Temperature can come in handy if you have any issues with overheating.
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How To Check Battery Health On IPad Air 2 - Apple Community
Click here to see our iPadOS articles page2. iMazing (macOS and Windows)
I love coconutBattery due to its simplistic yet focused nature. But if you have issues installing it on your Mac, or if you only have a Windows-based desktop at hand, then iMazing is a fantastic alternative.
Download iMazingiMazing is a program that resembles iTunes, where you can back up your iPad as well as perform a host of other maintenance tasks. And it also lets you determine the battery health of your iPad. Thankfully, the free version is more than sufficient for the job at hand.

After installing iMazing on macOS or Windows, open it and click the Battery icon to the lower-right corner of the iMazing window.
Then, you will be greeted with a pop-up window that includes all the details that you want — Design Max Charge, Effective Max Charge (same as Full Charge Capacity in coconutBattery), Charge Cycles, Temperature, etc.
After that, iMazing will even throw in a 'Your battery health is good' notification if there are no immediate concerns with the Effective Max Charge and Charge Cycles readings.
3. 3uTools (Windows)
3uTools is another application that you can use to check the health of your iPad battery easily using a Windows desktop. However, I'm not the biggest fan of 3uTools since it runs rather sluggishly — I recommend that you only use it if iMazing fails to work properly on your PC.
Download 3uToolsAfter installing 3uTools, open the application, connect your iPad to your PC, and then click Details next to Battery Life.
You will then see a nifty pop-up box with the relevant details underneath the Battery section — Charge Times, Actual Capacity, Design Capacity, Temperature, etc.
During my tests, 3uTools battery cycle count (which was 477 times) did fall in line with the readings that I got on coconutBattery and iMazing. However, it presented a higher actual charge capacity at 7062mAh (as opposed to 6972mAh and 6740mAh on the other apps).
While these readings are subject to change for each app, 3uTools did go off the mark by quite a bit here and is another reason for you to use it only if iMazing fails to work on your PC.
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Read MorePlay the Doctor
Although you can't check the condition of your iPad's battery using native means, the applications above should do the trick. They show even more information compared to what you get with the iPhone's own Battery Health tool. So don’t forget to use them to check the battery health on your iPhone in more detail as well.
Next up: About to buy a new laptop? Manufacturers lie about battery life estimates. Here's how to perform a more accurate estimation yourself.
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