BitNami Apache Tomcat

Slack flutter france. Bitnami JasperReports Stack. Bitnami JasperReports Stack provides a one-click install solution for JasperReports. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache-Tomcat, MySQL and Java. You can create reports with their WYSIWYG tool and build beautiful visualizations, charts and graphs. It bundles the latest versions of Apache, MariaDB, Tomcat, and Java. This open source solution is packaged by Bitnami. Learn how to install, configure, and manage it at For deployment issues, reach out our support team at Why use Bitnami. The tomcat server included in the container has default admin user 'user' with no password. Outside access with administrative privileges to admin gui is possible. User should be disabled or have random password.

Bitnami reload apache


  • Product home page
  • Assuming installed on /Applications/bitnami-tomcat
BitNami Apache Tomcat

All, I brought a Tomcat 8 server by Bitnami from Azure and setup a default app username and password for the server. After logging in, I am trying to deploy a war file in the webapps folder but I see that other than the 'tomcat' user, no one else has write permissions. Trusted Windows (PC) download BitNami Apache Tomcat Stack 6.0.32-0. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get BitNami Apache Tomcat Stack alternative downloads.


Default install

  • Install from
  • Start Bitnami Application Manager (BAM) (/Applications/bitnami-tomcat/
  • Bitnami index page: http://localhost:8080
  • Tomcat default URL:
  • Tomcat manager: (credentials entered at installation time)
  • phpMyAdmin: (credentials entered at installation time)
  • Guide:
  • Unix console (sets custom $PATH):
    $ sh /Applications/bitnami-tomcat/use_tomcatstack

Bitnami Restart Apache-tomcat

  • location of apps/sites installed by default: /Applications/bitnami-tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/
    • docs/
    • examples/
    • host-manager/: Tomcat Virtual Host Manager
    • manager/: Tomcat manager above
    • ROOT/: Bitnami index page & default Tomcat site above
Bitnami restart apache-tomcat

Install own app

The guide above has a paragraph 'How To Create A Custom Java Application?'. That didn't work for me. Instead, much simpler to drop the app's war file to /Applications/bitnami-tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/

  • E.g. you can try with this 'hello world' app. You don't even need to restart any server for this one. Otherwise use BAM.

Before running the commands shown on this page, you should load the Bitnami stack environment by executing the installdir/use_APPNAME script (Linux and MacOS) or by clicking the shortcut in the Start Menu under “Start -> Bitnami APPNAME Stack -> Application console” (Windows). On OS X VMs, the installation directory is /opt/bitnami and OS X VM users can click the “Open Terminal” button to run commands. Learn more about the Bitnami stack environment and about OS X VMs.

Bitnami stacks include the Apache Web server. There are different ways to connect these two servers. One of them is connecting through the AJP protocol.

The AJP Connector element represents a Connector component that communicates with a web connector via the AJP protocol. This is used to invisibly integrate Tomcat into an Apache installation and have Apache handle the static content of the web application and/or to utilize Apache’s SSL processing.

Bitnami Restart Php

To make them work together, enable the and modules in installdir/apache2/conf/httpd.conf. Then, add the following lines to the file:


If you connect your application through AJP, you will probably want to disable the Tomcat HTTP port. The Bitnami Tomcat Stack has the HTTP server disabled by default. To modify this configuration, uncomment the HTTP section in the installdir/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml file.