Free Gitkraken

GitKraken recent changes blocked opening of private repositories with message: This appears to be a private repository The free version of GitKraken does not support opening private repositories Latest pricing updates from the company: However, we also recognize that there are a lot of GitKraken. In this intro video, you'll learn how to get started using the legendary GitKraken Git GUI for Windows, Mac AND Linux. Download GitKraken free at https://bit. GitAhead makes navigating through thousands of commits a piece of cake. It supports self-hosting but also provides a free public first-party instance hosted in China on DiDi's cloud. It is a fork of Gogs 3 and is written in Go. 4 Gitea can be hosted on all platforms supported by Go 5 including Linux, macOS, and Windows. GitKraken Pro is available for free to students through the GitHub Student Pack and to teachers through the GitHub Teacher Toolbox. If you don't have the pack or toolbox yet, first apply through GitHub: Get the GitHub Student Pack Get the GitHub Teacher Toolbox.

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The answers to your important Frequently Asked Questions.

Just a sec! Before you dive in, perhaps one of these resources might help?

  • GitKraken Cheat Sheet
  • GitKraken for GitHub Users Cheat Sheet

Features & interface

Does GitKraken support TFS, Visual Studio Team Service or Azure DevOps?

Yes, for Azure DevOps (previously VSTS), you can use our integration with Azure DevOps!

For TFS instances you will need to clone your repo File Clone Repo and then enter the HTTPS repository URL (which can be found at the top-right of your Code page).
If you're connecting to a remote TFS Git server from a Mac or Linux, you will need to enable Basic Authentication in IIS for TFS.

If authenticating to TFS via username and password is not working, try creating a Personal Access Token (PAT) to use in place of a password.

For more information authenticating with repos, check out our SSH and HTTPS page.

What Linux distributions are supported by GitKraken?

GitKraken currently supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS+, RHEL 7+, CentOS 7+, and Fedora 30+. While GitKraken might be able to be installed on other distros, we cannot guarantee that it will behave properly.

How can I see what commands GitKraken makes to the CLI?

Unlike other Git GUI clients, GitKraken is not a front-end GUI for your command line. It works directly with your repositories with no dependencies, which means a separate Git installation isn’t required.

How can I use multiple GitHub / GitLab / Bitbucket / Azure DevOps accounts with GitKraken?

By default, GitKraken connects to one integration at a time. However, with GitKraken Pro‘s multiple profile support, you can easily switch between profiles that each have their own associated GitHub and BitBucket accounts.
If you have PRO, set up profiles to configure a GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps account for each profile.

How do I change the avatar associated with my commits?

Your commit avatar in GitKraken is linked to the Gravatar, which is linked to your .gitconfig email address. If you change your Gravatar, your avatar in GitKraken will update itself.

Can I use my GitKraken paid license on more than one computer?

Yes, your GitKraken paid subscription is associated with your email address, not a specific computer. So you can use GitKraken on as many computers as you'd like. 🖥️

Why can't I see remotes under my integration drop-down menu?

The remote drop-down menu is for adding remotes from an integration (such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.) and will only display forks of the repository. To add a remote that is not a fork, use the URL option instead.

How do I push a local project from GitKraken to GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Azure DevOps?

You need to change your branch's upstream and force push.

  • Initialize a blank project on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps.
  • Open your local project in GitKraken.
  • Add your newly initialized project as a remote using the URL option.
  • Update your branch's upstream so it points to your new remote.
  • Push the branch. You will be prompted to , which is the correct action to take for this use case.

You are done! Your local project is now on your hosting service.

Can I access repos for GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Self-Managed, Bitbucket Server or Azure DevOps with my Individual subscription?

Yes you can! From a new tab navigate toClone a repo Clone Clone with URL. From here enter the remote SSH or HTTPS URL and click .

How do I sign out of GitKraken?

You may sign into a different account by selecting your profile icon in the top right corner and selecting Sign into a different account.

While there is no way to sign out of GitKraken, you may delete all of your GitKraken data by deleting the ~./gitkraken folder. You can find the Data Location for your operating system here.

Technical issues

I receive a 'Could not find a compatible repository' for one of my repos. How can I fix that?

That error usually indicates something is stopping GitKraken from opening the repo. If you have this project open in another tool, such as an IDE, try closing that application and then relaunching GitKraken.

If you have CLI installed, try running git status. If you have pending changes, try stashing or committing those changes or switching branches, and see if that allows you to load the repo in GitKraken.

On Windows machines, it is possible that a file path became too long.

There could also be an issue with the directory path itself. Try cloning this repository to a different local directory.

I just downloaded GitKraken and it is not working.

If you are on Linux and are unable to launch GitKraken after installation, try to launch the application from the terminal to verify that there are no missing dependencies. Also, be sure to check out our page on How to Install GitKraken.

I just subscribed but I do not see PRO in the lower right corner.

Be sure you are logged in with the same email address registered with your GitKraken Pro subscription. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner to check which email you're using or to sign into your account.

I'm having an SSH issue.

The most common issues are:

  • Misconfigured SSH settings — If you are using SSH (your remote URL takes the form of ssh://{host}/{repo} or {user}@{host}:{repo}), go to Preferences Authentication to confirm that your SSH settings are correct.

  • Use of SSH config — GitKraken does not currently respect your SSH config and cannot make use of any remote server nicknames or identities. You can either load your SSH key directly into GitKraken or use your system’s SSH agent to authenticate with your remote.

  • SSH-agent on Windows — GitKraken currently only supports Pagent for the SSH agent. You can download PuTTY and Pagent from their page here.

I can't view any of my GitHub remotes from GitKraken.

GitKraken needs to be authorized in your GitHub account in order to browse remote repositories, view and create pull requests, and perform other actions. You can double-check that GitKraken is authorized from your GitHub authorized applications page.
If GitKraken is authorized on your GitHub account, you should be able to browse and connect to any of your personal repositories. However to connect to any repositories owned by an organization, GitKraken usually also needs to be authorized by the organization. After authorizing GitKraken on your own account, you can make access requests to your organizations from here. Requests must be approved by organization owners, as explained in GitHub's documentation.
If you are attempting to use GitKraken with a repository owned by a different individual, consider forking their repository to use GitKraken for your changes. Otherwise this other individual will need to first install GitKraken and connect it to GitHub to authorize GitKraken.

I'm having an issue using GitKraken behind a firewall.

GitKraken should activate and run automatically behind standard firewall setups. Due to the highly variable nature of firewall configurations, we cannot troubleshoot individually, nor can we guarantee that your setup will be compatible with GitKraken.

I can't get GitKraken to run behind a proxy. Is there anything I can do to make it work?

Free Gitkraken

GitKraken supports both authenticated and non-authenticated proxies, but some PACs and URL-based settings still may not work. If this applies to you, there are some workarounds (please note that there is no guarantee that these fixes will work for all users):

  • If you're having issues using GitKraken through a proxy, use the http.proxy Git config setting. Add your proxy to this file and give it a whirl.

  • If that doesn't work, configuring remote.<name>.proxy might help. Bear in mind that local (repo-specific) settings override the settings your global Git config.

Learn more on our SSH, HTTPS, & Proxies page.

GitKraken keeps spinning when opening a repo. Can I use it with repos on DropBox or OneDrive?

GitKraken does not support opening repos hosted on DropBox or OneDrive. We recommend moving your repo to a location on your machine, and then opening the repo from there.

My commit graph is not showing up correctly.

Sometimes a repository can get in an unexpected state that causes it to not work correctly in GitKraken. This may be your commit graph not showing up at all or seeing the message 'Displaying 2000 commits'.

Try running git gc from the terminal on this repository and then relaunching GitKraken. You can also try taking a fresh clone of the repository in a new location.

My files are not showing up as expected or are marked as binary.

GitKraken Git GUI only supports UTF-8 file encoding. Files may display in an unexpected way or be marked a binary if files are not encoded in UTF-8.

You can use and external diff and merge tools to work on files using other encoding types.

Can't find your question here? Contact us and ask away.

Whether you are a newborn or a wizened deep-ocean octopod, each user will need to open, clone, or initialize a repo in GitKraken.


The essential setup process includes:

  1. Installing GitKraken
  2. Creating an account and setting up your profile

Once this is complete, you are ready for your oceanic journey!

Projects in GitKraken

There are three ways to start a Git repository when working on a project:

  1. Open - Open a local Git repository already initialized and available locally.
  2. Clone - Clone a remote Git repository already initialized.
  3. Init - Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one.

Opening an existing project

GitKraken allows you to load your existing repositories and pick up where you left off. It's also useful for visualizing past work done.

If you're coming from a Git project you already have locally, navigate to File Open Repo to get started immediately in GitKraken.

Cloning an existing project

If your project is not on your local machine or you want a new copy, clone the project through File Clone.

This will then prompt you to open the newly copied project in GitKraken.

Initialize a new project

Starting a project in GitKraken is easy through File Init

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All you need to do is fill out the fields and select for the magic to begin.


  • New repository path
  • .gitignore template (optional)
  • Automatically creates a .gitignore file in your working copy.

  • License (optional)

  • On init, GitKraken will create a LICENSE file in your repository.
  • Check out the Open Source Initiative or find out more about Choosing a License.


  • A new initialized Git project at the specified repository path by creating a .git folder.
  • The project is opened in GitKraken
  • An 'Initial commit' on a master branch containing a blank along with a .gitignore and if applicable.

GitKraken also allows initializing a repository directly to a remote Git hosting provider such as GitHub and Bitbucket.


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Delete a repository

You may delete a repository by first navigating to the folder icon in the upper left corner of the GitKraken UI.

Git Kraken License

Then browse through your repo list and right-click on the repository you wish to delete from your local machine.

If you are unable to delete the repository, first make sure it is closed in GitKraken and then close any other applications which may be working with files in the repository. Restart GitKraken and try the delete again.

Gitkraken Free Download

Deleting the repo from within GitKraken will only delete your local copy of the repository. If you wish to delete your remote repository, you will need to perform that action directly by logging into your remote hosting service (GitHub, GitLab, etc).