Web Scraping Solutions

See use cases for how webautomation can help your business

Web scraping Crawl arbitrary websites, extract structured data from them and export it to formats such as Excel, CSV or JSON. Who is this for: developers who are proficient at programming to build a web.

Doing manual web data mining by copying and pasting text is unrealistic, so scraping websites is the only viable option when in-depth analysis is needed. Our website data extraction software can be used to aggregate leads, collect data on autos for sale, or interface with inventory websites. Example 4: E-Commerce Website Data Extraction. Trusted Proxies' Enterprise-Level web scraping solutions enable high-speed web scraping and search engine data extraction, without blocks.


Lead Generation

A lead can be defined as contact details for a potential new customer. Especially for outbound leads webscraping can be low cost way to automate the collection of this data. Depending on your business see a few sources where leads can be extracted from

- LinkedIn


- Facebook company pages

- Conference websites

- Business listing pages like Yelp

Webautomation.io contact extractor can help you automate the collection of this data using intelligent machine learning algorithm to identify keywords and extract them

Competitive Analysis

To be truly competitive in the market place business need to keep a close eye on what their competitors are doing to drive any strategic decisions. Although competitors do not publish their strategy publicy, by observing the content that is put online it is possible to deduce their strategies with pricing ,marketing and so much more

- Scrape competitors prices to understand how they are pricing, when they are discounting or running promotions

- Scrape industry blogs for mentions of competitors

- Scrape competiors products listings to understand what they are selling

SEO Scraping

All business crave that free organic traffic that could drive traffic to their websites. But its very hard to compete with everyone else who already rank so much higher. Webs scrpaing could be a way to analyse how to rank higher

- Scrape keywords

- Search Adword copy for inspiration

- Scraping on page elements i.e title tag and meta description

See use cases for how webautomation can help your business



Price monitoring is one the most advantageous use cases of webscraping. With most retailers nowadays publishing all their prices in real time on their online store it is now possible to remain on top of direct competitors pricing strategies. With retailers having thousands of products and prices changing sometimes multiple times a day it is almost impossible to keep track doing this manually Webautomation will help you solve this problem by automating the collection of pricing data from all your competitors on a routine basis. This data can be feed into your pricing engine to make intelligent decisions about your own pricing. Getting your pricing right could always lead increased profit margin and help you grow your business by acquiring new customers who are price sensitive



When growing you product range accurate product descriptions are essential for customers to make an informed buying decision on your platform. Gathering these product information from hundreds of manufacturers can be a painful and very manual process With webautomation.io we can solve this problem by automating the collection of product details and images directly from the manufacturers website ready to integrate directly on your platform.

Web Scraping Solutions Online


Web Scraping Applications

How do you know what your customers are saying about your products and brand? In todays world online reviews contain a lot of data from our customers. Going through thousands of reviews from multiple review sites manually is just time consuming With webautomation.io offers a simple way for capturing relevant reviews using keywords/key phrases. With these data you can do sentiment analysis to understand your customers likes and dislikes and then make better product decisions based on these data.